1 John 3:18 tells us....Our love should no be just words and talk. It must be TRUE Love which shows ACTION!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The point is not me...It's Him!!!

You know, I can spend hours telling fun and wonderful things that happen here. How God shows up in girls lives and how happy they are to be here, safe and tummies full. But I would be lieing if that was all I shared. This life is tough. It is truely laying everything down before the Lord and trusting him with everyone and everything. We pour days/ hours/weeks into lives and then in a glimpse, the call of the world becomes so strong, they turn their backs and run.
Paula, a beautiful teen mom prostitute, drugs, alcohol and in trouble with the law came here pregnant with her second child. She accepted Jesus and was trying to pull her life together. Gave brith to a baby boy....naming him Glen. Forty days later, she left taking her new baby with her.
Yescarleth, has been in our program since she was 11. Last summer knowing about a holiday coming up and lots of partying in the streets.... sounding like fun, she ran away. A few months later contacted Oscar and cried...please come get me. She was rescued and brought back home to us, having been raped, beaten and sold repeatedly by an older man. Just last week medical reports confirmed she is 3 months pregnant.
We have to stand on the promises of God, trusting Him in this heartache or we won't survive. I am not thankful these things have happened....But I am so glad I have learned to put these burdens on Him. Trusting he will protect that new baby boy that is out there somewhere
and knowing he loves that unborn baby we've yet to meet.

1 comment:

  1. In the puppet show that I write for our children's church, the theme this week was living an extreme lifestyle. In it, one of the puppets mentioned how missionaries drop everything and move to unknown places to fulfill what JESUS has called them to do. It's hard when we're called into things that have no perceived end. There will always be one more person, one more outstretched hand, one more heartache, but you have to hold on to the one that made it through. Faith can be tricky when we can't see our destination, but keeping our eyes on the eternal prize we can gather up enough sanity for...just one more. ;) proud of you!
